Monday, August 20, 2007

Our first blog

Ryder Luisa Farnum turned 11 months old this past weekend...has it really been almost 1 year since she was born? How does this happen?

She has spoken many words, sings, dances, does the soldier crawl, hugs the dogs, been on four beach trips (yet never on an airplane,) claps, high fives, waves and says Moo to the ceramic cow we have hanging on our kitchen wall. Some of these things seem to have happened early and others we had anxiously waited to happen saying "any day now she is going to ______"

Ryder has always been happy, laid back and content like me her mother and adventurous and a little silly like her father. She has a tremendous love for food just like both of us and the rest of her family.

I have not put together a baby book or a photo album or made any notes on her milestones to this point, so I will start here and try to remember what I can.

Ryder Luisa Farnum:

Born September 18, 2006
8 lbs 12 oz twenty something inches

Labor was quick and easy and after two nights in the hospital she came home to meet her three sister dogs, Bailey, Kavu and Canyon who took to her immediately. Ryder slept & ate very well and was hardly fussy at all except for the occasional tummy aches. She had mostly breast milk and a bottle of formula to supplement when we went out to eat or Daddy was taking care of her.

She loved sitting in our arms, walks in the stroller and sleeping in her bassinet or Mosses basket.

We can not remember the exact dates that she learned to make eye contact, smile, grasp onto toys & fingers etc. She rolled around pretty early but sat up & crawled later than other babies.
I guess she figured she could get around just fine by rolling from place to place, who needs crawling?

We like to say her first word was elephant although it probably just sounded like that to us. She said doggie, canyon & dada. Mama and birdie came later.